Success stories

Success stories

Ian and Julie McGregor, Dendrinata, Kefalonia

We bought our Greek house at the end of December 2015, after many searches online we discovered the Doriza website and saw several properties that had potential. We emailed Spyros and asked lots of questions prior to visiting Kefalonia in September to view two properties. What impressed us most at the time was the efficiency and helpful responses from Spyros at that stage. At all times he was (and is) helpful; approachable; professional; informative and communicative. His English is exceptional and he has worked with many people from the UK. All through the process of buying our Greek home Spyros was prepared to ‘go the extra mile’, he has excellent local knowledge and the right team of associates – legal and financial – to help with the key stages. We decided to give him Power of Attorney, something we had never done before, this meant he could make swift progress with the contracts and paperwork and he kept us updated regularly so that we always knew what was going on and could prepare for the next step. This service was invaluable and Spyros was totally trustworthy in all matters. The fantastic service that is delivered by Spyros doesn’t end once you have completed the purchase of your house, he offers help, support, contacts and peace of mind as you get settled. Through all the purchase process we have got to know Spyros and now consider him a personal friend. We highly recommend Doriza Real Estate and especially Spyros, if you’re looking to buy a home in Kefalonia, in our opinion he is the best man to help you

Roland & Jayoung Eckl, Karavomilos, Kefalonia

Wir reisen seit über 20 Jahren, fast jedes Jahr nach Kefalonia und immer nach Sami / Karavomilos. Begonnen hatten wir damals auf dem Campingplatz, sind dann auf Hotel bzw. Pension übergegangen und seit 10 Jahren haben mit uns aufgrund der wachsenden Familie ein Haus angemietet. Seither waren wir auch auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Kaufobjekt. Nach so vielen Jahren der wenn auch passiven Suche, waren wir nicht besonders in Eile, denn wichtig war uns insbesondere die Lage und hier war der große Wunsch, nach Möglichkeit ein Objekt direkt am Meer zu erwerben. Wahrscheinlich war dies auch der Grund warum es so lange dauerte bis wir uns im März diesen Jahres schlussendlich zum Kauf entschlossen hatten, als ein Objekt in der gewünschten Traumlage, etwas überraschend zum Verkauf stand. Wir kennen Spyros sehr gut, seit über 10 Jahren und hatten immer wieder Kontakt mit ihm hinsichtlich möglicher Kaufobjekte. Als nun dieses Jahr ein Objekt, welches all unsere Kriterien erfüllte, zum Verkauf stand, ging alles sehr schnell. Wir kannten das Haus, wenn auch nur von außen und hatten es vor dem Kauf auch nicht mehr „live“ begutachtet. Schlichtweg alles haben wir über Spyros abgewickelt. Von der Besichtigung via Skype und gedrehten Videos, den Erwerb sowie die anschließende Renovierung – alles nach unseren Wünschen. Vom Kaufangebot bis zum Abschluss aller Umbau- / Renovierungsarbeiten dauerte es nicht länger als ca. 3 Monate. Wir hatten Spyros die notwenige „Power of Attorney“ ausgestellt und er hat für uns wirklich alles erledigen können, vom Kauf, Grundbucheintragung, Bankkontoeröffnung bis hin zum Internetanschluss. Spannend für uns waren die fast täglichen Updates und Bilder von Spyros. Selbst wenn wir den ein oder anderen etwas ausgefallenen Wunsch hatten, Spyros hat alles möglich machen können. Oft schickte er uns auch Beispiele zu, entweder als Bilder bzw. als Internetlink für Duschkabinen, Aircon oder auch Muster für Zäune. Wir konnten es manchmal kaum glauben wie effizient alles ablief, wohl darauf begründet dass Spyros uns immer genau verstanden hatte was wir wollten und unsere Vorschläge dann umsetzen und oftmals auch noch verfeinern konnte. Als wir im August endlich vor Ort waren und uns selbst von dem Ergebnis überzeugen konnten, waren nur noch begeistert. Wir haben Spyros in dieser Hinsicht wirklich sehr viel zu verdanken unseren Traum am Meer nach unseren Vorstellungen nach so vielen Jahren der Suche in Rekordgeschwindigkeit umsetzen zu können. Dies war nur möglich weil Spyros jeden Schritt im Prozess kannte, uns immer richtig beraten hatte und wenn einmal etwas nicht ganz nach Plan lief, er umgehend die Lösung des Problems herbeiführen konnte. Die Geschwindigkeit sowie Genauigkeit und Effizienz mit welcher Spyros den gesamten Prozess erfolgreich umsetzen konnte, war selbst aus deutscher Sicht unglaublich beeindruckend. Auf diesem Wege nochmals unser ausdrücklicher Dank an Spyros für den Einsatz und die vielen Mühen unseren Traum am Meer wahr werden zu lassen.

Anna & Fabrizio Baccanti, Ferentinata, Kefalonia

Non saprei in poche parole come esprimere la gratitudine che nutro nei confronti di Spyros, conosciuto come intermediatore immobiliare e diventato un amico. Quando abbiamo pensato di acquistare una casa a Cefalonia abbiamo fatto quanto chiunque normalmente decide di fare; consultare internet individuando società di intermediazione immobiliare che operano localmente. Ed a Cefalonia ce ne sono diverse ma solo una ha risposto direttamente alla mail di richiesta, senza le solite risposte automatiche, fredde senza personalità, che poi si infilano nella mail continuando ancor oggi ad inviare proposte. Noi non cercavamo questo, cercavamo qualcuno che ci potesse non solo proporre delle soluzioni abitative, ma soprattutto che ci aiutasse a capire cosa potesse voler dire metter in pratica questo desiderio di acquistare una casa in quest’isola dalle spiagge meravigliose. Tasse, documenti, pratiche amministrative, vincoli, trasferimenti di denaro, effettiva fattibilità. Ed allora ecco come abbiamo conosciuto Spyros, proprietario della Doriza Kefalonia Property, unico a rispondere con una mail gentile, diretta, viva, proponendoci un incontro semplicemente conoscitivo. Forse, anzi sicuramente ancora non convinti di acquistare una casa a Cefalonia, ci siamo presentati negli uffici di Spyros un sabato, durante un week end lungo di inizio ottobre speso nell’isola, dove puntualissimo ci aspettava con il suo sorriso rasserenante, il suo buon italiano ed un ottimo inglese a supporto. E pensare che in quel momento Spyros non aveva da proporci nulla in linea con le nostre aspettative, e questo lo aveva anche scritto nella sua mail di invito; era solo suo desiderio conoscerci. Quell’incontro per noi fu molto interessante perchè Spyros dedicò molto del suo tempo a spiegarci le regole, le leggi greche, le sue esperienze con molti italiani che negli anni avevano acquistato, con lui come intermediario, proprietà a Cefalonia. E la fiducia nacque a prima vista, tant’è vero che, il giorno dopo quando ci chiamò dicendo che proprio poco prima aveva trovato una signora che metteva in vendita la sua casa, e che questa sembrava proprio su misura per noi, accettammo senza indugio ed andammo a visitare la proprietà. Era proprio esattamente quello che cercavamo. Non si può comprare una casa così in poch minuti e anche Spyros ce lo disse e ci lasciò con il suo sorriso. A presto. Ma dopo qualche settimana deciso di acquistare l’immobile, alcuni cambiamenti legislativi in Grecia determinaro il blocco di tutte le imtermediazioni immobiliari e proprio durante questo lungo periodo Spyros supportò con il suo sorriso sia noi che la venditrice, tenendoci continuamente aggiornati riguardo la situazione legislativa, offrendo supporto continuo nonostante fossimo distanti migliaia di chilometri. Una volta che anche il governo greco decise di pubblicare la legge dando nuovamente inizio alle attività di compravendita, ecco che il servizio solerte, preciso e puntuale dell’ormai amico Spyros si è rivelato talmente efficace da consentire l’intera operazione in una sola giornata, offrendo ospitalità gratuita a me per la notte spesa nell’isola. Ancora oggi la disponibilità di Spyros è proverbiale tanto quanto la sua simpatia; per trovare casa a Cefalonia non si può che passare dall’amico Spyros.

David & Marian Eatock, Karavomilos, Kefalonia

David and Marian Eatock had been visiting Kefalonia for one or two week holidays for many years, sometimes on a ‘package’ trip and other times traveling independently. Having both recently retired a combination of circumstances created an opportunity for the couple to enjoy an extended visit to the island. They have in the past considered a permanent move and this is still a possibility in the future, but for now the plan was to find a small house or apartment to rent for a period of up to a year. They contacted Spyros Doriza and other real estate companies on Kefalonia to find out what was available, initially via email from the UK. They hoped that whilst on a holiday visit in October they could make arrangements to visit properties and identify somewhere suitable to rent from April the following year. The service Spyros provided was excellent, in finding a lovely small house in Karavomilos and in brokering the arrangements with the owners for the rental agreement. Altogether this has been a perfect experience.

Hugh, Kate and Pat, Haliotata, Kefalonia

If you wish to buy or build a property in Kefalonia I can strongly recommend Spyros Dorizas to be your local agent. For such an enterprise you need a knowledgeable adviser, someone who can negotiate the purchase of land, property and the supply of materials and public utilities on your behalf, someone who understands the local regulations and taxes and will deal with officials for you, someone who can manage a construction project within a timescale and budget, and someone who will be patient with you when you change your mind. Above all, you need someone you can trust with your money and Spyros has all of these qualities. When our villa was completed the snagging list was smaller than in any of the newly-built British homes I have bought (and the snags were remedied more rapidly) so I can also vouch for the quality of the workmanship Spyros commissioned. In short, you can trust Spyros to manage any property-related work you engage him to do and have confidence it will be done to the highest standards.

Paul & Jane Bayley, Haliotata, Kefalonia

My wife and I got to know Spyros though staying at his family run hotel the Sami Beach Hotel.Two years ago we started to look for a villa in the Sami area , but could not find one to our liking. Talking to Spyros he told us about piece of land in Haliotata. Once seen we instantly fell in love with it and the views. We purchased the land in 2007 and asked Spyros to engage an Engineer to design us a 3-bedded Villa with pool on the 500 m2 plot. After a lot of discussions we agreed upon a Villa with a floor plan of 120 m2 with a patio and infinite pool. After sorting out the financés work started on the Villa in July 2008. Spyros acted as our Project Manager and kept us informed about the progress and sent us pictures on a regular basis. Very little change was made to the original design although Spyros hard work we did get a bigger basement and storage space above one of the bathrooms. Progress was very good and the Villa was completed early May 2009. We visited in May and agreed the pool design and the external works. All this was completed for our family to stay in the Villa in July 2009. The Villa and the landscaping far exceeds our expectations and with a fabulous view and a brilliant Villa we could not be happier. We were very grateful to Spyros and his team for bringing the project in on time and within budget. We would have no hesitation in recommending Spyros to anybody who is thinking of building a Villa in Kefalonia.

Antonio & Ugo Rossi, Karavomilos, Kefalonia

After 16 years of vacations in Kefalonia, in April 2008we decided to buy a piece of land on the island. Our friends in Sami suggested us Spyros Dorizas, and he became immediately our friend. He found for us a plot, helped us with greek bureaucracy and guided us to the final step the purchase of the land. Now we are building with our own architect, but Spyros will be so kind to help us again with the choice of materials as floor and woods and technical devices. We recommend this guy who is young but very professional, honest and is really a friend in a foreign country. Thank you Spyros!

Maryvonne et Alain Cieslak, Grizata, Kefalonia

En août 2008, nous avons rencontré Spyros en poussant la porte de son agence à Sami, avec l’envie de trouver une petite maison sur Céphalonie, où nous faisons escale depuis de nombreuses années. Nous avons immédiatement été séduits tant par ses compétences, sa disponibilité et son sérieux que par sa gentillesse et sa spontanéité. Fin septembre 2008, nous étions de retour sur l’île pour finaliser l’achat d’une maison de village à Grizata. Pendant le mois écoulé, nous avons à de multiples reprises échangé par téléphone et par e-mail avec Spyros qui a géré pour nous l’ensemble des démarches, avec une efficacité et une réactivité de chaque instant. Nous lui avons fait pleinement confiance et continuons dans ce sens. Au delà d’un rêve qui s’est concrétisé, nous avons fait une belle rencontre humaine. Nous te souhaitons, Spyros , bonheur et prospérité avec ta famille et dans tes entreprises. Au plaisir de te retrouver Amitiés Maryvonne et Alain

Adrian & Caroline Hill, Haliotata, Kefalonia

In September 2008 we bought a piece of land with very little difficulty thanks to Spyros. He was extremely helpful and informative without being overbearing. Our whole experience was eased along by Spyros’ efforts who, at every step of the way, told us exactly what was to happen, how and how much we could expect to pay. Our only mistake was not to listen to Spyros on one point – we engaged our own lawyer, creating some communication difficulties. However, Spyros sorted everything out for us! We would have no hesitation in recommending Doriza and, as an aside, Spyros continues to give us help with the next stages of our plans for the land.

Inga & Jean-Pierre, Haliotata, Kefalonia

Apres plusieurs sejours de vacances a Sami, Kefalonia, dans l’hotel de la famille Doriza, Nous nous sommes decides en juin 2008 a acheter un terrain dans la region pour ensuite construire et sans doute nous etablir sur lile dans le futur. Nous en avons donc parle naturellement a Spyros, de Doriza Estates & Development. Spyros a toujours pris le temps, malgre ses nombreuses activites, de nous ecouter, de nous conseiller, et finalement de nous representer pour toutes les operations auxquelles nous etions confrontes pour l’achat d’un terrain dans lile.Toutes les operations se sont passees avec une facilite etonnante et nous sommes ainsi devenus proprietaires d’un beau terrain au nord de Haliotata. Donc un grand merci a Spyros Doriza pour son efficacite ses competences, sa disponibilite et sa patience, et puis pour son sourire aussi, nous lui souhaitons un grand avenir.

Nous voulons ici exprimer nos plus sincères remerciements à Mr. Spyros Dorizas. Aujourd’hui notre villa est devenue une réalité. Depuis la conception jusqu’à la réalisation, Spyros nous a accompagné, nous a conseillé et le résultat est à la hauteur de nos espérances. Les multiples problèmes liés à ce type d’entreprise se sont résolus avec simplicité et efficacité. Nous avons pu suivre les travaux à distance lorsque nous n’étions pas sur place par l’envoi de photos et nos échanges par courriels nous ont permis de toujours rester concrets et précis lors de l’avancée du projet. Enfin Mr. Dorizas s’est occupé de la gestion administrative de notre entreprise, ce qui est un énorme « Plus » pour qui veux construire en Grèce. Tous nos remerciements et un grand « Bravo ». Jean-Pierre Covini et Inga Waterlot.

Ian & Sally Salisbury, Agia Efimia, Kefalonia

We had been visting Kefalonia for a few years, and knew that our favourite part of the island was around Sami/Agia Efimia. We had a vague idea that we might want to buy a place in the following five years or so. Spyros advised us that the ideal apartment was for sale at the beginning of August, and organised a stay for us at the Sami Beach Hotel so that we could do a quick inspection two weeks later. We were expecting delay after delay as the legal system is so different to the one that we deal with for a living, but, because we were happy to give Spyros a Power of Attorney, all the paperwork was done in our absence in the following few weeks. It’s the best decision we ever made. We have an apartment in a wonderful spot overlooking the harbour, and it quite simply couldn’t have happened without Spyros’s help. He’s the only person that has ever had power over any of our bank accounts, and I think that says everything about our complete trust in him. Just over two months after seeing the first photograph on the web site, we were flying out to Kefalonia to stay in our own apartment.

Garry & Sandra Pritchard, Grizata & Poulata

We were interested in a plot of land in Poulata in 2006 which we had seen advertised on the Doriza website, on making enquiries and speaking with Spyros, he helped us to go on and purchase the plot, his support knowledge and expertise during the purchasing process was excellent we were also kept frequently up to date with the progress of the purchase until its completion, this went through smoothly with no issues or concerns what so ever. Spyros also gave us advise on having plans drawn up for a villa to be built on our plot of land which are now completed and in place. In 2008 we have recently gone on to purchase a traditional house located just outside Sami through the Doriza agency and with the help and guidance of Spyros. We bought the property of our dreams on Kefalonia and if you have the same idea Spyros and the Doriza estate agency can help make it come true for you, as we found Doriza to be a friendly, honest, and professional.

Garry & Elaine Roney, Grizata, 2008

After visiting Kefalonia in 2003 myself and my husband Garry fell in love with the island. The following year we decided to go back and look for a property to buy as a holiday home. We had already spent time on the internet looking and found a house in the village of Grizata. We arranged to see Spyros the estate agent who took us to to view the house. We both loved the house and took our daughter for a second look.. After that visit we had made our minds up that we wanted to buy the house.We paid a deposit to Spyros and also gave him power of attorney to handle all the buying process for us. Within a few weeks time the house was ours!We put our trust in Spyros and we now regard him as one of our closest friends. We would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone wanting to purchase a home here.

Rick & Liz Dowsett, Grizata, 2007

We have all seen the horror stories on British TV about buying land or properties abroad. For us it could not have been a better experience. Spyros helped us through all the legal requirements, introduced us to a local architect, who designed our new home for us, then Spyros managed the whole build for us. From the start of the build we received daily reports and photo`s via e-mail. Spyros then let us know when we needed to visit Kefalonia for the fun bit of choosing all the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom furnishings and when everything was finished arranged a final clean up before we moved in. All in all a worry free experience.Please click here to see this project.

Rees & Celia Jenkins, The Walnut Tree, 2005

It is difficult to explain how instrumental Spyros Dorizas has been in the building and subsequent management of our house in Kephalonia. Suffice it to say that without him, we certainly would not have the excellently built and maintained property we have. By 2003 we had been holidaying in Kefalonia for several years and were interested in buying a small piece of land with the view of building ‘sometime in the future’! To cut a long story short, we were shown a half-built house with VIEWS (oh such views!) – and the roller-coaster started immediately. Spyros guided us through the buying process (of course we spoke no Greek and had no experience of legal affairs in Greece) and then eased us gently through the building stage showing great imagination and introducing us to some successful new construction methods. I can’t say that the whole process was without ‘excitements’ and dramas but the finished product is a testament to a job VERY well done and we had such FUN! Spyros treats us always with generosity, kindness and patience – we must have driven him mad at times. We know just how lucky we have been – and are!

Peter Borg, Sami, Kefalonia 2005

Spyro, I cannot thank you enough for all the help you gave me to secure this fantastic property.After the horror stories you hear it was so gratifying to find someone who was honest and trustworthy,and your English was first rate too! I am very happy to endorse this site and hope you have much success.